Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Assignment 2

This article talks about future burning coal in the U.S. Coal is an abundant resource in the U.S and will replace oil in a matter of years. However, burning coal is very harmful to the environment. It has a high amount of CO2 and is part of the global warming problem. A way to clean the coal is to use an IGCC factory. The factory can lower the CO2 output and reduces environmental damage by putting to CO2 back into the ground to get more oil. These IGCC plants are highly expensive to run and build. There is an IGCC model in Tampa that is the only functioning plant.


Gasification: convert (a solid or liquid, esp. coal) into gas.

Greenhouse-gas: A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, e.g.. Carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons.

IGCC plants does not seem like the solution to global warming. Of course it would help slow down global warming but it will not stop it completely. Global warming isn’t going to stop just because we build these IGCC plants. These plants will reduce CO2 but they will not eliminate it. The CO2 will still be going back into the ground and creating pollution. The IGCC plants can help create renewable energy while eliminating pollution. However, this comes with a cost. It would take a great amount of money to build these plants and to run them would it really be worth it in the end.


Why does the government not think of CO2 as a pollutant?

Is there a less expensive way to build these IGCC plants?

How does the CO2 going back into the ground affect the land over time?

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